It’s a lie to say you’ll love someone forever
A promise in disguise
Therefore it is often taken much too literally
And only ever leads to further heartbreak
A greater pain once the love has grown tired
It is wrong to say you’ll love someone forever
Because it is wrong to lead another person on
There is no true way to know what the future has in mind
It’s a lie to say you couldn’t live without someone
Not allowing your life to continue without another is a choice
Unless it’s a lifelong friend you’ve fallen for, you’ve proven you can live without their presence
There was a time when they were not at your beck and call
A time when you didn’t have their love
Building your life around a person capable of easily walking out of it is no way to live
Live for the hobbies you have, your interests, your passions that are infinite
Don’t measure your life by a relationship that could run out
It’s a lie when you tell someone they complete you
That a major aspect of your personality relies on them
A person should never be what completes you fully
They should be the cherry on top, something extra to make life even more sweet and enjoyable
Just like a sundae can be eaten without a cherry, but it’ll taste better with one
So a person shouldn’t be the make-or-break of your existence,
But something extra that makes life sweeter and more enjoyable
And who couldn’t resist a little extra sweetness?
You can always say you love someone
That you admire them from the end of their hair to the tips of their toes
From the very bottom of your heart love can be true
Love gives a new perspective to the world around you
It is not what makes it run