When Aunt Flo comes to town, it isn’t always a vacation, especially for a student in high school who has to juggle a million things. These five tips will help you get through your painful period and maybe keep you sane.
1. Use a heating pad:
When your uterus is having a fit because you didn’t get pregnant, my mom always tells me to use a heating pad. The warm pad will help your stomach feel better during intense cramps.
If you can’t afford to buy a heating pad, you can make one at home. Just grab a pair of socks, fill them both up with rice and tie a knot on the top. Put these in the microwave, and microwave them until you have a desired heat.
2. Eat protein-rich foods:
When having period pains, many people crave foods that are unhealthy for their body. If you are having cramps, you might want to try a banana to help ease the stomach pains associated with periods.
If you are craving something a little sweeter, try some dark chocolate. This helps keep your serotonin levels stable, and is what you might need when your mood swings are in full effect. You may just want to dive right into the chips, but you might regret that later. Avoid processed foods because they make you feel and look bloated because of all the sodium
3. Take some pain medication:
You may just want to pop Advils like no one is watching, but that could be dangerous. Obviously, you should talk to your doctor before taking unprescribed medication.
You can go to any drug store and buy some Advil (ibuprofen), Aleve (naproxen) or Tylenol (acetaminophen).
Make sure you follow the medicine’s instructions and only take the prescribed amount. This is a fast way to relieve cramps and all those other annoying pains.
4. Exercise:
Gross, who would even dream of working out while your uterus is literally shedding itself. Even though no one wants to exercise, it may be helpful—but only if your period pain is not extreme.
You may want to try some light workouts. There are many options to exercise without going to the gym. One could run or walk around their neighborhood/road.
Or if you want to try some stretching, you can Google instructional videos which teach you how to stretch to relieve pain. Click here for one to get you started.
5. Just take it easy:
Your period is very painful, you feel bloated, and it makes you not want to do anything. Just relax. By taking it easy, you allow your body to not go into overdrive. However, if your pain is more severe than normal, you may want to talk to your pediatrician or *O.B/G.Y.N. Your period is a built-in excuse to not do anything, so embrace it.
Periods can be obnoxious, annoying and just downright uncomfortable. These five suggestions are easy to do and may make you feel a lot better while on your period. If your pain or bleeding is abnormal you should reach out to a doctor.
Hopefully, these tips helped you with the some of the problems associated with periods.
O.B/G.Y.N: Obstetrician, a doctor who delivers babies. Gynecologist, a doctor who specializes in the treatment of female reproductive organs.
Taylor Cruz
Apr 4, 2019 at 1:19 pm
Really enjoyed this, funny and informative.