The roar of the crowd. The cheering from other high school bands and spectators on the sidelines. Then silence. The announcement of the drum majors and the silent march of the Lancer Marching Band across the field. The count off and the music begins.
The Lancer Marching Band has been spending countless Thursday nights practicing their field show for football games, but they have a special night they look forward to to. The Salem Band Show is a tradition where all of the high school bands around New Hampshire get together and show off their hard work. As the seniors’ last band show approaches, many of them are going into it with a heavy heart and high spirits.
Carter Crowley: Senior Drum Captain
“I am looking forward to our show this year, but it seems weird that I won’t be preparing for this next year. I think we’ll do really well. The drum line this year cooperates really well together, and everyone respects each other.”

Crowley plays the bass drum at the Mack Plaque football game.
Nick Dyer: Senior bass drum player
“This show is going to be a heartfelt moment for me. Band is one of my favorite activities, and I’ve made amazing friends throughout the years. I plan on continuing it in college, but I’ll miss the people here. I just hope Carter doesn’t drop his mallet this time.”

Dyer and Crowley march down to the football field at the beginning of a home game.
Ryan Cullen: Senior trumpet section leader
“It’s always fun to participate in, but it does seem kind of over-hyped. I do think this is our best show we’ve had, though.”

Cullen marches on the Lancer’s football field during a home game.
Amy Overhulser: Senior clarinet section leader
“The music in the show this year is really good and everyone gets into it on the field, so this year will be interesting at the Salem Band Show.”

Overhulser plays the clarinet in line with juniors Jasmine Conde and Olivia DeAngelis.
Adrienne Lafond: Senior pit section leader
“I am excited to see the other bands and my friends, but it’s emotional since this marks the end of an era of a marching band that has impacted my life. We are ready for the show, but we can always improve.”

Lafond plays the marimba on the Pinkerton football field during Mack Plaque.
Lilly Law: Senior piccolo section leader
“Band has given me a chance to meet a lot of neat people and branch out. I’m sad because this is my last one, but also excited. A lot of people are impressed by our band, and we have some cool things to show this year that I think they will enjoy.”

Law and senior Hannah Gagnon prepare to march on to the field for the halftime show.
Kelly Calawa: Senior saxophone section leader
“It’s pretty bittersweet, and I’m excited to have this last big opportunity to perform our half time show and demonstrate how great our band is. It’s also pretty sad this is the last time to have an experience like this. I definitely think my section is ready. The altos have done a great job memorizing their music and every week their marching is getting better.”

Calawa plays a pep tune in the stands at a home football game.
Eliana Patterson: Senior Drum Major
“I’ve always loved going to the Salem Band Show, and I’m upset that this is going to be my last year going with the band. What’s helping me get over my sadness is the fact that I get to do such an amazing piece for my last show.”

Patterson directs the band, as one of three drum majors, along with senior Siobhan White and junior Tyler Kraics.