UPDATED NEWS: Senior Caitlin Boufford qualified for New England’s Cross Country Championship on Nov. 9 by placing 22nd overall in Saturday’s Meet of Champions. The top 25 runners in qualify as individuals to race at New England’s.
The following article was originally published on 11-2-19
Girls’ cross country team has big goals for championship season
With a fire from the starting gun the girls are off, racing through the autumn woods, running for the school.The Londonderry girls cross country team competed October 26, 2019, at Derryfield Park in Manchester to qualify for the Meet of Champions held today in Nashua.
“I think our team has a really good chance this year,” said senior captain Caitlin Boufford. “We’re really looking forward to the [Meet of Champions].”

The girls’ cross country team train hard to prepare for the Meet of Champions on Nov. 2.
The girls’ cross country qualified for the Meet of Champions because of how well they did at the Divisional Championships last weekend.
“This year we’ve really become closer as a team, which helps us more in team races and rankings,” Boufford said.
But what makes them qualify for the playoffs? All division one varsity teams compete against each other in a race and whichever teams make the top 7 go onto the “Meet of Champs,” which is held in Nashua. All individual runners who place in the top 30 also get invited to the “Meet of Champs.”
Boufford was “really excited” because she thought they had a good chance at making it to the Meet of Champs, which they did.
According to the NHIAA handbook, “For both boys and girls, the first twenty-five (25) individuals and the first six (6) teams in the Meet of Champions will qualify to run in the New England Championships. Team qualifiers will be determined by adding the finishing positions of the first five (5) runners of each team.”
“We are all incredibly excited and proud of the work each other has contributed throughout the season to earn that spot,” Boufford said. “I think we can [also] make it to New Englands.”
Nov 7, 2019 at 10:08 am
Great article boo!!