Oldies But Goldies: Dave Brubeck gives 50’s jazz worldly pizazz
TJ Ruzicka, Arts and Entertainment Editor
February 15, 2020
Listen to Dave Brubeck in the playlist below and check out all the other great pieces in the A&E section of Lancer Spirit Online!
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TJ Ruzicka, Arts and Entertainment Editor
Described in one word… ineffable.
Michael P. Lukas
Feb 16, 2020 at 10:58 pm
In the year 1960, I was a freshman at MIT attending a music appreciation course that was intended to expand our technically-oriented minds with cultural experiences. One day in class, the professor asked the students if anyone could name a musical piece that they admired most and that would stand out in musical history. I guess he was expecting something by Bach or Beethoven, but I put my hand up and said “Time Out by Dave Brubeck.” The pompous professor gave me a nasty look and then spent 10 minutes ridiculing me and making fun of my selection in front of the other 100 students in the lecture hall. I was humiliated at the time, but in retrospect I think my selection has stood the test of time! Wherever that professor is today (heaven or otherwise), I hope he remembers his nasty comments and feels a bit embarrassed by them – nawwww….. probably not….