Photo from www.cdc.gov/
The COVID-19 vaccination is a controversial topic. Will you take the leap and get the vaccine?
Note: This will be a continuing story. Stay tuned to LSO.
Thursday, March 19 at 1:20 pm
The number of cases of the coronavirus in New Hampshire has risen to 39.
The Londonderry school district will begin remote learning on Monday, March 23.
Saturday, March 14 at 3:45 pm
The Londonderry school district has decided students will have school on Monday, March 16, and Tuesday, March 17. On Wednesday, March 18, the schools will only be open to staff members, and there will be no school for students. On Thursday, March 19, remote learning will begin and continue through April 3.
Friday, March 13 at 5:50 pm
Governor Sununu has declared a state of emergency in New Hampshire.
President Donald Trump has declared a national emergency in the U.S.
Thursday, March 12 at 12:58 pm
According to NECN, the sixth case of Coronavirus has been confirmed in New Hampshire.
The LHS band trip has been cancelled.
President Donald Trump has banned travel from 26 countries in Europe to the U.S., which is causing controversy in Europe.
Wednesday, March 11 at 3:00 pm
The Coronavirus seems to be taking over the world, one case at a time. But what is it, exactly?
What is the Coronavirus?
According to World Health Organization, the Coronavirus is a type virus transmitted between people and animals. The virus, if severe, can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure or even death.
What are some symptoms?
Common symptoms of the Coronavirus include fever, cough, shortness of breath as well as breathing difficulties. If you have any of these symptoms, seek medical care immediately.
How can it be prevented?
There is not much you can do to prevent this virus, other than washing your hands and not touching your face. It is also advised to avoid close contact with anyone showing symptoms of the virus.
Should you be worried?
According to NBC News, this virus began to infect people in China in December, and since has rapidly spread. According to WMUR, there has been five confirmed cases of the Coronavirus in N.H.
On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic. In a news conference that same day, N.H. officials said they don’t recommend canceling public events.
This virus tends to affect the older people and younger children, but everyone should still take precautions. The general public should not be worried about catching this virus, but it doesn’t hurt to wash your hands more often.
That being, this hasn’t stopped schools or businesses from taking extra precautions. Below are some of the local events being impacted by the Coronavirus.
The custodians at LHS were given special instructions from the district to wipe down the desks and hard surfaces nightly.
The admin at LHS are putting together a packet for teachers on how to set up digital lessons/homework in case the school shuts down due to the Coronavirus.
The Londonderry High School Journalism class had been scheduled to go to Columbia University in New York City to attend Columbia Scholastic Press Association (CSPA) conferences. However, due to the Coronavirus, CSPA cancelled the event.
The LHS marching band is also scheduled to take a trip to Washington, D.C. and New York City this upcoming Friday. The D.C. parade that they were supposed to march in was cancelled, however the band is still planning on going to New York City.
Massachusetts has declared a state of emergency.
How can I get more information?
Here are a few websites available to give you up-to-date information on Coronavirus:
In a press conference on Tuesday, Vice President Pence encouraged everyone in the U.S. to visit the White House Coronavirus Task Force’s website: Coronavirus.gov.
Click here to download a helpful guide from coronavirus.gov: “What every American and community can do now to decrease the spread of the Coronavirus”.
World Health Organization
NOTE: The above list may change as more information is gathered. Stay tuned.
To stay updated on what is new with this virus, make sure to watch or listen to the local news.