Due to the pep rally being canceled last Friday, Spirit Week has been extended.
Although it was recently postponed in October, LHS has rescheduled the annual Prism concert for Saturday, April 10.
The concert will happen at 1pm and 7pm in the high school gym.
The event has been modified due to COVID-19 to now only have two shows and small groups perform.
Along with the event itself, the audience has been limited due to safety concerns. Now only four guests for each performer and the Londonderry faculty can attend.
For those who cannot be in-person to watch the show, the concert will be live streamed on Facebook live.
These are the links to the two concerts:
1pm concert: https://fb.me/e/27Uya8oKo
7pm concert: https://fb.me/e/2fg3uqT7h
Good luck to all performers at the annual Prism concert!