In a once in a lifetime opportunity, Senior Natalia BarNoy will be competing in the Grand National & World Championship Morgan Horse Show in Oklahoma.
“I’m absolutely stoked,” BarNoy said, “I think it’s gonna be so awesome.”
BarNoy will be competing in four classes at the show with her horse Laing Hill Atha. Road hack, which consists of specific gaits the rider must complete in a pattern. Hunt seat equitation for seventeen year olds which, put simply, both rider and horse must look pretty while listening to commands from the judge.
BarNoy is also in the world champion category for the hunt seat class. Her last confirmed class is the American Morgan Horse Association hunt seat gold medal preliminary. BarNoy needs to place in this class in order to move on to the hunt seat finals, which would make that her fifth class.
Morgan Grand National, as it’s sometimes called, will be held from October 8 to October 15. There will be an updated article once BarNoy is back home.