As of Thursday Oct. 27th, the advisers of the drama club have announced this year’s musical.
After going through the possible options with the student executive board, the club has chosen to perform the 1950s classic, My Fair Lady.
The story follows an acclaimed phonetics professor by the name of Henry Higgins. Higgins promises his colleague Colonel Pickering that he can turn the young Eliza Doolittle into a dignified lady and present her as a duchess at an embassy ball. With Dolittle being a cockney flower seller from Edwardian society, this will be an ambitious task for Higgins. As he teaches her how to speak proper English and carry herself as a refined young lady, the two form an unexpected friendship.
“This show is really unique,” senior executive board member Rae Pizzi said. “It’s one that many high schools don’t perform and I think audiences will really enjoy the opportunity to see it.”
The musical was adapted from the play written by George Bernard Shaw. The first run of the broadway musical lasted from 1956 to 1962, adding up to 2717 performances, with Julie Andrews originating the role of Eliza. In its run, the show earned six tony awards including Best Musical in 1956. After the show closed, it was then produced into a film adaptation starring Audrey Hepburn and Rex Harrison in 1964. The film won eight academy awards including best picture and best-adapted screenplay.
Auditions will be held on Nov. 9 after school, with callbacks being held the following day, Nov. 1o. For more information, see director Molly Goldstein or advisers Danielle Loschiavo and Ryan Barrett. There will also be an audition prep workshop held on Nov. 2 after school to allow students to learn a dance combination and what other materials they will need to audition with.
The show will be performed on February 16th, 17th, and 18th at the Derry Opera House. Stay tuned for more information on how to purchase tickets.