Emily Dawson, Assistant Band Director

As an LHS alum, Emily Dawson is returning back to her “alma mater” as the new assistant band director.
“The window opened up perfectly,” Dawson said. “There’s no better school in the state so I’m glad I got this job.”
Dawson has worked with various marching bands throughout Massachusetts and student teaching at her university, but this is her first experience in an “in-classroom” setting. She’s excited to be a part of the staff since she’s already familiar with the music program.
“As soon as I got my degree, the position opened up,” Dawson said. “I applied on a whim hoping all would go well.”
Outside of teaching, Dawson serves in the army national guard in Massachusetts. She is also a part of their marching band.
“I get to play music, get paid for it, and serve my country,” Dawson said.
Being a first-year teacher post-covid, Dawson is excited to be a part of helping the students and staff “find a new normal.”
“This year is going to be a really big transitional point for everyone,” Dawson said. “Getting through everything together is a big goal of mine.”
For her first year, Dawson has personal goals for herself that she hopes to reach by the end of this school year. She said her main goal is to “survive.”
“Being a first-year teacher is tough, you hear a lot of different things,” Dawson said. “My main goal is to just get through [it].”
Along with goals for herself, Dawson also has hopes of helping her students “feel comfortable in their own skin.”
“[I want] to help my students become better people,” Dawson said. “I want them to make music and learn as much as they can.”
Dawson’s advice to her students relies on the idea of “being accepting of change.”
“[I want them to] do [their] best,” Dawson said. “There’s a lot going on this year, but [I want them to] have fun, be respectful of each other, and be accepting of the things [they] can and can’t change.”