For a full list of math classes available to LHS students, please click here to get to the course catalog.

Course Name: AP Statistics
Teacher Name: Ms. Viel
Prerequisite: College Prep Algebra IIA or Honors Algebra II/ Trigonometry.
Course Description: Interested in mathematics, engineering, business, biological sciences, or the social sciences? Or just want to know how to get better use out of your graphing calculator!? Then consider enrolling in AP Statistics! The purpose of AP Statistics is to introduce students to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. This will be accomplished through the following major units of study: I Exploring Data; II. Sampling and Experimentation; III. Anticipating Patterns; and IV. Statistical Inference.
Students taking AP courses are required to participate in the Advanced Placement examination administered by the College Board in May.
Course Name: AP Precalculus (formerly known as Honors Precalculus)
Prerequisite: Honors Algebra II/Trig
Course Description: This course is the study of advanced mathematical topics needed as preparation for AP Calculus AB and Calculus II. Students need a solid background in Geometry, Algebra II, and Trigonometry. Graphing calculators are used when appropriate. Topics covered include, but not limited to, linear and quadratic
functions, polynomial functions, polynomial equations and inequalities, functions and their graphs, operations on functions and applications, trigonometric formulas, trigonometric equations, polar coordinates and polar form of complex numbers, vectors, determinants and applications, matrices and applications, sequences and series, limits and continuity of functions, counting principles, and Binomial Theorem and curve fitting (time permitting). NCAA approved.
Students taking AP courses are required to participate in the Advanced Placement examination administered by the College Board in May.
Course Name: AP Calculus AB
Prerequisite: AP Precalculus.
Course Description: This course is designed to be equivalent to a college course in single variable Calculus. It involves 3 major topics: functions, graphs and limits; derivatives; and integrals. A multi-representational approach is emphasized, with concepts, results, and problems being expressed graphically, numerically, analytically, and verbally. The connections among these representations are stressed as well. A graphing calculator is necessary, which may be purchased by the student or borrowed from the Curriculum Office. NCAA Approved.
Students taking AP courses are required to participate in the Advanced Placement examination administered by the College Board in May.
Course Name: AP Calculus BC
Prerequisite: AP Precalculus.
Course Description: AP Calculus BC is an advanced placement course designed for high school students with a strong background in mathematics. This course builds on AP Calculus AB and covers topics such as limits, derivatives, integrals, and series in greater depth and at a more rapid pace. Students will learn advanced integration techniques, parametric equations, polar coordinates, and infinite series. The curriculum emphasizes problem-solving, critical thinking, and applying calculus concepts to real-world situations. By the end of the course, students will have a solid understanding of calculus and the analytical skills required for various fields, including physics, engineering, and economics. A graphing calculator is necessary, which may be purchased by the student or borrowed from the Curriculum Office.
Students taking AP courses are required to participate in the Advanced Placement examination administered by the College Board in May.
Early College
Course Name: Probability and Statistics A Level
Teacher Name: Mrs. Thomas
Course Description: Did you know that every college major requires you to take a Statistics class even if your major is a non-math major? Get a head start before you go to college and take Probability and Statistics A.
Topics reviewed in this course include but are not limited to: basic measure of central tendency and variability, frequency distributions, probability, the binomial distribution, the normal distribution, sampling of distributions, estimation of parameters, confidence levels and hypothesis testing, simple regression and correlation analysis. The computer program Minitab will also be used in this course to help prep you for future college statistics courses.
This class is a great fit for all who have passed Algebra 2A and Geometry A. There are many students who take this course concurrent with Pre-Calculus or Calculus.
Early College
Course Name: Finite Math
Teacher Name: Mrs. Bound
Course Description: This course will deal with various advanced mathematics topics and their connections to real life modeling problems and business applications. Topics will include linear equations, matrices, linear programming, graphing and simplex method, finance, sets and counting, and logic.
Students can borrow/purchase a graphing calculator and will learn the essential functions to complete problems.
This course is good for students going to school for business or non-math related major but still interested in the real life applications of what math means to them. You will be graded on homework, classwork, quizzes, tests, projects, and group work.
This is a one semester course for students coming from either Geometry A or CP Precal A and not interested in taking Calculus.
This class earns 4 credits as an Early College dual enrollment through Manchester Community College.
Course Name: Probability and Statistics B Level
Teacher Name: Ms. DeArville
Course Description: Ms. DeArville said her new favorite math class to teach is PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS B level – At the perfect pace for those who might struggle with math comes Probability and Statistics B level. You will learn about Standard Deviation, Confidence Intervals, Normal Distributions as well as Probability topics including permutations and combinations as well as other topics.
New topics, classwork, discussion and some homework (yes, you will have homework!) this class is a great fit for all who have passed Algebra 2B and Geometry B! Many colleges and majors need a statistics course, even if your major is a non-math major. There are statistics courses for Psychology and other liberal arts… Come learn the basics with us!
If you have done well in math and completed Algebra 2A and Geometry A, then sign up for Probability and Statistics A level and continue learning at the right pace for you!
Course Name: Trigonometry (B level)
Teacher Name: Ms. DeArville
Trigonometry is a great class for all who have passed
Algebra 2B and Geometry B: (If you passed Algebra 2A and Geometry A – you will be able to see Trigonometry concepts when you take Pre-Calculus.)
Course Description: My favorite lesson in Trigonometry is when we go outside and measure the angle of elevation to the top of the flagpole and then find the height of the flagpole using a simple equation. It is great to see how it is used in the real world. Many careers use Trigonometry including Criminology, Architecture, Construction, Game Development, Surveying, Aviation and even Music Theory and Production!
Course Name: Math 12
Prerequisite: Math 9, 10 and 11.
Course Description: Students are provided with the skills to solve a variety of problems that demonstrate how mathematics is used in everyday life and in the business world. Topics include mathematics used in: budgeting, purchasing/renting homes/apartments, insurance, automobiles, establishing a bank loan, cooking, salary taxes, and investments. These applications reinforce and extend the students’ mastery of mathematical concepts. Several projects throughout the semester will allow students to demonstrate their understanding and application of math skills.