Welcome back to the second episode of Mental Health Mondays! This episode, host Emma Desrosiers sits down with senior Susan Kim to talk about Lancers Speak Up (LSU) and what they are working on. LSU has been in collaboration with LHS’s Social Emotional Learning (SEL) as well as with the Athletic Leadership Counsel (ALC) and Bring Change to Mind. Together the groups have been working to build stronger communication and relationships between counselors, teachers, and students. We hope you enjoy this episode and please give us feedback on what you would like to hear discussed in future episodes!
Mental Health Mondays Ep. 2
Emma Desrosiers, Assistant Editor-in-Chief
February 20, 2023
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Emma Desrosiers, Assistant Editor-in-Chief
Senior Emma Desrosiers is cordially occupying the position of Assistant Editor-in-Chief for her second year on staff. In her free time, Emma enjoys playing field hockey on her club team, hanging out with her friends and family, and listening to music.