Artwork by Natalie Merhib
Art by Natalie Merhib
The Dandelion Wish
Written by Katia Chylinski
A child’s wish,
released into April’s zephyr,
floats with a thousand seeds
to await bloom on a bed of newborn grass,
soon taking root with great ardor
and flourishing in golden curtseys,
countless mirrors of the sun,
made for the grasp
of delighted cherubs in springtime;
As they bow to the sun’s embrace,
these blossoms evade the blades of man
who no longer explore the simple wonders
that wait at winter’s end;
When is the moment a child changes:
curiosity to apathy,
dreams to frivalties?
The scent of wild strawberries fades,
the colors of the meadow lose their vibrance,
the simple beauty in each day, soon eclipsed;
Is this a result of knowing
or forgetting?
Wisdom or ignorance?
When did the precious dandelion become a weed?