Sophomore President Matt Wolf wants to continue to bring magic to LHS every year. The Class of 2024 and 2026 put on an amazing holiday event for the community. The class presidents were really proud of the turnout from the event and hope to keep this a tradition going forward,
“We are going to keep doing this event in later years to come,” Wolf said. “It’s a great event for the community.”
Walking through this winter wonderland, families and friends could participate in many fun activities and crafts. Kids could take pictures with Santa, get their face painted, participate in holiday games, watch the Grinch movie, and make gingerbread houses, friendship bracelets, and reindeer food.
“I think it was a great start,” Shank said. “We had enough activities and enough space to spread out, which allowed the kids to do what they wanted and bounce to different stations.”

The Class of 2024, plays the act of being a mentor towards the class of 2026. The class of 2024 “brought [them] a whole new perspective,” according to Wolf. The reps learned a lot from them, and overall just having them to work with meant a lot.
“As sophomores, we have never put on an event this big before, so Ms. Gamache and Mrs. Shank [took the lead] and showed us what they have done before,” 2026 class advisor Sarah Doherty said.
Allison Gamache, a fan favorite to the class of 2024, loves having children being insured with holiday cheer here at LHS, the magic of the holiday season keeping everyone close to home.
“One of my favorite parts was seeing the collaboration with [the high schoolers] and the little kids,” Gamache said. “When the kids were participating in the holiday games, it was great to see our high school kids help out with that and seeing the smiles on their faces as well as the childrens’ who came to the event.”
Gamache knows that without working with the class of 2026, they wouldn’t have been able to bring the spirit, and happiness.
“It’s important that we are doing things where we get collaboration with high school kids, little kids, middle school kids, the whole community as a whole,” Gamache said.
Gamache knows that without the community classes the event wouldn’t have happened, but if officers didn’t create the idea they couldn’t have pulled it off.
“There was a lot going on but, as class advisors along with the class of 2026 advisors worked really well together as well as our officers,” Gamache said.
Alongside Gamache, is Mary Shank who notices all the activities that were laid out for the children.
“I think it was a great start,” Shank said. “We had enough activities and enough space to spread out, which allowed the kids to do what they wanted and bounce to different stations.”
This night brought back old traditions while also creating new ones, which Shank wishes to keep incorporated in the holiday season for many years to come here at LHS.
“We were able to bring back the gingerbread night and start to establish some new fun [traditions],” Shank said.

The class of 2026 advisors, Cara Bound and Doherty, have been working very hard to put on this event. Bound is very proud of the holiday extravaganza that her class, along with the senior class were able to put on.
“It was really helpful to have more advisors brainstorming and more volunteers helping out,” Bound said. “Tell your families to come next year. We had a great time planning the event and have all of the materials for next year, we are hoping for even more community engagement.”
Cara Bound wouldn’t be able to be supporting her reps, while putting up great events and the way she does without her co advisor, Sarah Doherty, who is new to the class as of this year. Doherty loves nothing more than holiday cheer especially when it comes from spreading it around the community.
“We are hoping to start a new tradition with lots of families and maybe get out to more middle school, maybe high school kids to figure out a way to incorporate the whole community and all the schools and to expand it a little bit for next year,” Doherty said.
Class Representatives and advisors were able to bond, especially after the event was over they spent a lot of time cleaning up which brought everyone together, though the night was ending, the holiday cheer didn’t. It lasted all night, even through cleanup.
“The best part was cleaning up actually,” Doherty said. “Everyone was joking around, having fun, and working together, which really showed it doesn’t matter what grade you are in or what year you are graduating, we can all still work together.”