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Senior girls looking back with bright smiles, sporting their throwback backpacks. As they head in for their last first day of high school!
Senior girls looking back with bright smiles, sporting their throwback backpacks. As they head in for their last first day of high school!
Abigail Jones

Seniors reflect on their last first day of school


As Lancer Nation welcomes the new school year and begins to ramp up into the full swing of things, this time becomes particularly bittersweet for this year’s class of Seniors! The most exhilarating part of stepping into the school year this fall, is all the ‘last firsts’ that Seniors will be experiencing

One of these many last firsts for the class of 2025 was getting prepared for our last first day of High School! We can even start to see that a few traditions have been created and continued going into school

on Tuesday, the 27th. Plenty of Seniors had a great deal of emotions to share as the clock begins to tick!

Flashback to little Meghan Rheault showcased in her Class of 2025 t-shirt, as we now feel the nostalgia from when we first got them in Kindergarten. (Shannon Rheault)

Not so little anymore…

Senior Meghan Rheault is one of many who shares the enthusiasm that goes along with being a Senior in High School.

“I’m excited and hoping to have a good year,” Rheault said. “It’s crazy to think we are actually here!”

Reminiscing on the past is a big factor as we begin this year. Rheault shares how reality is really hitting seeing a photo of little Meg in her class of 2025 t-shirt!

“It actually feels so surreal to see that photo,” Rheault said. “Makes me realize how much has changed.”

Wow, and changed it has! Rheault is soon realizing how fast time has flown.

“Back then senior year felt so far away and now we are actually here,” Rheault said.

Rheault has “hope” towards her short but sweet year ahead.

“All I hope is to have fun and make a lot more memories with my friends,” Rheault said. “Since these may just be our last.”

Senior throwback backpacks

Julia Pizzi smiling big sporting her Lightning McQueen backpack! I guess she’s still little at heart! (Meredith Pizzi)

Lasts aren’t the only thing on some seniors’ minds as they get amped up for the new school year. Many are living in the moment and going all out with the very start of senior traditions.

That being little kid backpacks showcased on our lovely seniors as they headed in for the first day.

Senior Julia Pizzi, sporting a Lighting McQueen backpack, shares her emotions on the senior trend and the meaning behind why she had to join in on the fun.

“I loved how this was a light hearted tradition that me and my friends could do together,” Pizzi said.

The togetherness of the tradition eased Pizzi into the start of the new year.

“This helped me feel more excited for the start of senior year,” Pizzi said. “I thought ‘ok this is going to be fun.”

For Pizzi, seeing all her friends with these backpacks gave her some comforting perspective as she stepped in for the first day

“It was exciting to see all my friends wearing the backpacks,” Pizzi said. “It made me realize we aren’t that little anymore.”

Although it may just be a fun little backpack, Pizzi felt some sentimental value for the tradition.

“Wearing the little kid backpacks on the first day of school made me feel nostalgic for our childhood,” Pizzi said.

Where’d all the time go?!

The word nostalgia isn’t solely used by this year’s seniors, but especially hitting hard for our loving parents. Many had their seniors recreate old first day school photos. How cute!

Apparently, Senior Ava Naar’s go-to first day outfit is a shirt and skirt! Who knew! (Judi Naar)

Seeing the side by side of the photos led 2025 graduate Ava Naar to reminisce about her once little self.

“I would tell younger me to look at the bright side,” said Naar. “To remember all the things that make me happy.”

While the word nostalgia seems to be a recurring feeling for most, Naar shares some of her other prevalent emotions going into her school year.

“I’m realizing that this may be the last time I’m seeing all my friends in the same place,” said Naar.

While the thought of letting the average day go seems all that more sad, seniors need to continue to triumph in their success!

“I truly am proud of myself for making it this far with all the ups and downs that come with high school,”said Naar. “So I can’t help but feel excited to finish off the year.”

Here we come senior year, let’s make it a great one!

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Abigail Jones
Abigail Jones, Fashion Editor
This is Abigail Jones’ first year officially on the Lancer Spirit Staff, as she will be this school years Fashion Editor. This isn’t her debut, as she previously was in Journalism Sophomore year. Abigail is more than thrilled to seek out all that goes along with the style that Lancer Nation has to offer! Along with being a fashion connoisseur, she is involved in a number of school activities and sports. She plays varsity soccer and tennis, along with being the senior class Prom Chair. Abigail can’t wait for what this year has in store!