It’s February vacation and the majority of your friends are out of the country, while you are trapped in your house for what seems like what is going to be a dreary and poor excuse for a vacation. Your parents are at work, so there is no car available for you and no one to drag you across town to see your friends. You look out the window and see the slush and snow on your front lawn, and promptly decide that you would prefer to stay inside. You are isolated in your own home for the duration of the vacation. One question rings endlessly in your mind: “what do I do?”

Get addicted to a TV show or book series
With on demand TV and eBooks, this couldn’t be any easier. There are hundreds of shows and books to find that you will enjoy. No longer do you have to wait for your favorite TV show to come on or travel through the bitter cold to go to the library. If you finish an episode in a television series, all you need to do is click on the next one. If you finish a book, you can just buy a new one instantly. Get some hot chocolate and cookies and let the binge watching or reading begin.
Start a project or finish a goal
Who said you couldn’t be productive while on vacation? If sitting around isn’t for you, try starting a project or setting a goal to get something done by the end of vacation. Projects can come in many forms, from painting a masterpiece to writing a story. You could even try sewing a quilt, or work on your New Year’s resolutions. You could even set a new goal, like going on a run for an hour on the treadmill or around your neighborhood. You could even take this week off to get yourself organized for school.
Teach yourself a new skill
You have a full week, right? So why not put your all your free time to use. Think about things that you’ve never done before, or things you’ve never been good at. Simple things: knitting, drawing, cooking, solving a Rubik’s cube, or even try learning a magic trick. You could find hundreds of tutorials online to teach you how to do things, and think about how you can amaze your friends with your school when you get back to school.
A week off from school is the perfect time to catch up on sleep and studying. However, you might still find yourself contemplating fun ideas to keep the boredom away. Having fun during February vacation might seem like a challenge, especially if you don’t have a car and all of our friends are away. But with so much to do just from your own home, there’s really no excuse to be bored.