Questions to ask yourself before you play this Face-Swap identification game:
Would a nose on any other face still smell as sweet?
If a person cuts off his nose to spite his face, but then puts said nose on his history teacher’s face, does it make it less spiteful?
When you play “Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes,” would it be more fun if it wasn’t your own “eyes, ears, mouth and nose”?
Would it be easier to face the world if you had someone else’s face?
Are you more likely to win a “face-off” if you literally take your enemy’s face off?
When your uncle says “Got your nose,” whose nose does he really have?
Would it be easier to say something mean to someone’s face if all you had to do was look in the mirror?
If your face hurts from laughing at this Face Swap identification game, know deep down that your face is “killin’ me” even more.