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The student news site of Londonderry High School

Lancer Spirit Online

  • March 103/22 Spring Formal Dance @7pm - More information coming soon
  • March 53/5 PTSO Meeting
  • February 173/11 No School- Teacher Workshop Day
  • February 172/17 Class of 2025: Scholarship Packets are Available!
The student news site of Londonderry High School

Lancer Spirit Online

The student news site of Londonderry High School

Lancer Spirit Online

Emma Desrosiers

Emma Desrosiers, Assistant Editor-in-Chief

Senior Emma Desrosiers is cordially occupying the position of Assistant Editor-in-Chief for her second year on staff. In her free time, Emma enjoys playing field hockey on her club team, hanging out with her friends and family, and listening to music.

All content by Emma Desrosiers
Barnes currently resides in Amherst N.H. with his 16 year old son, a student at Souhegan High School, and wife of 22 years.

Lancer Nation welcomes new principal

Emma Desrosiers, Assistant Editor-in-Chief
October 23, 2023

LHS Prom 2023

Emma Desrosiers, Assistant Editor-in-Chief
May 30, 2023
Mental Health Mondays and Lancers Speak Up have invited you to submit your stories through the google form link embedded in the article.

Lancers, Let’s Talk Mental Health

Emma Desrosiers, Assistant Editor-in-Chief
March 27, 2023
Senior Kyle McPhail #6 on the ice during an away game. The Lancers have an overall scoring record of 10/18.

LHS hockey has one goal: to play as a team

Emma Desrosiers, Assistant Editor-in-Chief
March 6, 2023

Mental Health Mondays Ep. 2

Emma Desrosiers, Assistant Editor-in-Chief
February 20, 2023
Editor Emma Desrosiers hosts Mental Health Mondays to discuss various topics including Lancers Speak Up and building connections between counselors, teachers, and students.

Mental Health Mondays Ep. 1

Emma Desrosiers, Assistant Editor-in-Chief
January 9, 2023
Left to Right: #3 senior Trevor Weinmann, #37 senior Mikey Palma, #10 senior Drew Heenan, #29 senior Dylan Wrisley, #4 senior Jack Drabik, #5 senior Andrew Soucy, #25 senior Nathan Pedrick. Varsity football players take a photo after winning a home game.

Recap of 2022 football season in photos

Emma Desrosiers, Assistant Editor-in-Chief
November 29, 2022
Katrina Lisi, Special Education

Katrina Lisi, Special Education

Emma Desrosiers, Assistant Editor-in-Chief
November 9, 2022
Hannah Cohen, English

Hannah Cohen, English

Emma Desrosiers, Assistant Editor-in-Chief
November 9, 2022
Varsity quarterback senior Drew Heenan playing in last Friday's game. The Lancers won 42-6 against Winnacunnet.

Quarterback surpasses school touchdown record

Emma Desrosiers, Assistant Editor-in-Chief
October 27, 2022
The Lancer Spirit staff celebrates with cake after finding out they are finalists for the 2022 Columbia Scholastic Press Crown Awards.

Lancer Spirit becomes finalist for CSPA Crown Awards

Emma Desrosiers, Assistant Editor-in-Chief
December 16, 2021
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The student news site of Londonderry High School
Emma Desrosiers