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The student news site of Londonderry High School

Lancer Spirit Online

  • March 103/22 Spring Formal Dance @7pm - More information coming soon
  • March 53/5 PTSO Meeting
  • February 173/11 No School- Teacher Workshop Day
  • February 172/17 Class of 2025: Scholarship Packets are Available!
The student news site of Londonderry High School

Lancer Spirit Online

The student news site of Londonderry High School

Lancer Spirit Online

Seniors Trevor Weinmann and Drew Heenan during last year's playoff game against PInkerton Academy.

“Return of the Mack,” Mack Plaque is here

Makenna True, Editor in Chief
September 20, 2022

As the leaves begin to change and the mornings grow colder, Lancer Nation begins to feel the excitement in the air. As the summer sun slips below the horizon and cars empty the parking lot, the athletes...

Mrs. Anderson poses for a picture at her work station where she taught her students about different types of baking chocolates in class.

Jennifer Anderson, family science

Alisha Khalil, Online Chief
September 27, 2021

Lancer Nation is excited to welcome Family Science teacher, Mrs. Anderson, to the Londonderry community.  Despite this year being Anderson's first year of teaching in a classroom, she has twenty years...

One. Two. Three. Four. These four best friends and teammates were close both on and off the field. #1 is Aiden O'Loughlin. #2 is Jake Naar. #3 is Lucas Seaman. #4 is Will Reyes.

Senior Aiden O’Loughlin’s interview with Jake Naar from November 2020.

Aiden O’Loughlin, Jake’s friend and teammate
March 19, 2021

The following article was written by senior Aiden O’Loughlin, who has been Jake's friend and teammate for many years. Aiden interviewed Jake for Mr. Brand's sports journalism class in November 2020.  Senior...

As captain of the football team, Jake Naar led his team both on and off the field.

Jake Naar’s reflection on his 2019 football season

Jacob Naar
March 19, 2021

This piece was written in January 2020 as an assignment for Jake's junior English class with me, Mrs. DeWinkeleer. I recently shared this piece with Jake's family and asked them if it would be all right...

Photos by Liz Iaconis

Lancers’ first homecoming in five years is sweeping success

Liz Iaconis, News Editor
September 17, 2017

After five years without a homecoming dance and many attempts to bring back dances, Student Council hosted Lancer Homecoming 2017 on Saturday, Sept. 16. The dance was a hit among all classes from freshmen...

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The student news site of Londonderry High School