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The student news site of Londonderry High School

Lancer Spirit Online

  • March 103/22 Spring Formal Dance @7pm - More information coming soon
  • February 172/17 Class of 2025: Scholarship Packets are Available!
The student news site of Londonderry High School

Lancer Spirit Online

The student news site of Londonderry High School

Lancer Spirit Online

Both students and their parents have been voting on to keep LHS students remote.

BREAKING NEWS: Lancer nation students petition to stay remote

Petition on created by Alex Elguezabal has nearly 600 signatures to continue remote learning. All quotes throughout this article were obtained from said petition .
Kaylie Donahue, Magazine Chief
January 12, 2021

From preschoolers to high school seniors, students in the Londonderry district have been put into remote learning since the end of November. Now, with remote learning coming to a close, students of...

As scary as it is to go back to school, remote learning just isn't what we need.

Let’s get back to school

Kaylie Donahue, Magazine Chief
January 9, 2021

The  28 day reign of remote learning is finally coming to a close. Despite popular opinion, I personally can’t wait to get back into the everyday drone of school life in the hallways of Londonderry...

Remote this year with a sibling feels like a tight rope act balancing between my own work and my brother's.

Remote learning with my sibling makes me feel like I’m redoing first grade

Kaylie Donahue, Magazine Chief
December 30, 2020

The day starts with honors English. When that's finished, I jump right onto reading class and start sounding out my new vocab words of the week. After geometry, the hard classes start. Math enrichment...

Problem-solving can be put on the back burner when it comes to stress. Be sure to see the suggestions below in regards to stress due to quarantine and remote learning.

Three steps to solving remote stress

Rachel St. Louis, Copy Chief
December 12, 2020

If one piece of advice could be acquired from the avalanche of recent events, it’s the cliche that rings true: “No one can see the future.” Perhaps it rings a little too loudly now. From fully...

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The student news site of Londonderry High School
remote learning